Unexpected, California Snow, and the Grateful Dead!

All the media coverage of the unexpected snow in California has me thinking about living in the Midwest where the snow is expected. However, even the best of midwesterners is caught in a weather situation unexpectedly from time to time….

I had a friend that was hurrying to an appointment he could not be late for. He had been stressed all morning rushing his kids, wife even the family dog was in the way. He told me he left the house in chaos! He felt bad about how he had left the house starting everyone’s day off poorly. The dog only wanted a throw of the ball, the kids just a look at their homework, and his wife kind of understood but she too would have appreciated a little more calm.

He jumped in the car and paused at the end of the driveway, took a deep breath and under his breath he said “Lord bring me patience” . He related to me this was by no means a prayer just kind of a subconscious utterance.

The roads were bad and getting worse as it snowed overnight and was continuing to snow. The plow trucks were reliably late again. 25 minutes into a 25 minute trip he was halfway there eating up his “extra” time he planed for. He was officially running late.

Two cars ahead a car was driving significantly slower and despite being late he had an “it is what it is” attitude. This was odd for him as usually he was spewing death metal on the car horn in these situations. However, the guy between him and the slow car was taking care of all the bad vibes honking and tailgating. Around the next corner The car in front of her turn into a top spinning out of control planting itself fully in a snow drift and the side of the road finally he thought now he can make some progress and maybe just maybe make it there on time. As he passed by he saw the driver hit the steering wheel with her hand and he could see the look of dismay on her face as he passed by. The driver that was in front of him then moved on fairly quickly and was making much progress down the road he continued on but then suddenly pulled off at the next turn. Thinking to himself if that were me I would hope that somebody would help me the tow trucks are probably all full up right now with jobs and it will l be lunch before the get to her.lunchtimeAs he passed by he saw the driver hit the steering wheel with her hand and he could see the look at this me on her face as he passed by the driver that was in front of them then moved on fairly quickly and was making much progress down the road he continued on but then suddenly pulled off at the next turn without him self if that were me I would hope that somebody would help me little trucks are probably all full up right now with jobs and it’ll be lunchtime before they get to her.

He turned around, went back and put his hazard lights on. The woman looked quit frazzled and had already made a patch of ice under the drive tire by spinning it. Stuck! He knocked on her window and she screamed not knowing he was there. She rolled down the window and started talking quickly about the guy that ran her off the road and that she was running late and what a horrible day he only said “I’m here to help”. She said “I don’t see how”. He asked her to pass her, her car mat put the car in second gear and he would push while she gently gave it some gas. The car mat worked! It worked too well as she backed into his bumper. She was elated at being unstuck and excited and sorry and tears appeared in her eyes as he went to return the Matt and see the damage. She wanted to call insurance and our give him money but as if the words were not his he said “ don’t worry about it, we have both had enough drama for one day. He said even as the words came out he couldn’t believe he said them as he loved his car. He wished her well and the both headed down the road.

Down the road they passed the guy who had been tailgating her. He had spun out just the same and someone was helping him out. he decided to stop at a gas station as he figured he was already late might as well be presentable.

He arrived at his destination went inside and told the receptionist he was late for his interview as the weather delayed him. She said that’s ok Mrs. Jones had just arrived as she had quite the trip in too. Mrs. Jones then showed up in the lobby and they both recognized each other. She called him “my hero”. Needless to say he got the job.

Coincidences like that always remind me of that line from the Grateful Dead song “Scarlet Begonias”

Once in a while we are shown the light in the darkest of places if we look at it right

The Lord has a plan even the unexpected is part of his plan and it can bring amazing results.

Recently, I read Ephesians 5:8:

For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!

Once in a while we are shown the light….

This reminded me of the Grateful Dead and I see that verse with new “light”, lol. All this to say enjoy every minute on the earth, walk around as it if God is there with you guiding you and not judging you. He will take pleasure in you remembering him in every moment you can. The Holy Spirit will fill you up the more you do this, and the more you do the more you will want to.

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