By Gods Grace, Fasting Update

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9

Ok so 8th day fasting of the season and thus far not bad. I mentioned in my first post at the start of lent I wanted this to teach me about surrender, training, and wisdom. So far mostly sacrifice and training. I have had to go to God in prayer many times to ask for stregenth to get through the cravings. This was the intent though to remind me to bring my issues and set them at his feet. I can say that is has worked. I have felt worse and had a harder time with fasting in the past. Surrender is the same. I can feel the fog and headaches and food food food everywhere you go and to get through I have had to admit that on my own this would be near impossible.

The details, well, I have not done a full 24 hour, yet! it has been more like 18-22 hour fasting depending on the night. Oddly, giving up sugar and sweets for lent has helped. I dont have the option of “after the kids go to bed cookies” and in the stores all the food items i would impulse buy are sugar. Its funny but I have found that gas stations sell two primary things: gas and sugar. Seriously, take a look around next time you go in one it is crazy, sugar, sugar, sugar!!!!!

A Few more things I have learned about fasting:

  • I wanted to keep this to my self so I didnt tell my wife, I think she has noticed and she wants to feed me! She has never been this considerate of my food needs.
  • Don’t eat! yeah, get head ache that no kind of pain reliever will cure! booo
  • You will loose weight, my pants are half a size too big and they look stupid
  • After breaking your fast dont over eat! I have put myself into a “food coma” at least once that equals Thanksgiving day.
  • Brain fog is real and no amount of caffeine will cure it! I mean like not even a quad shot ain your mo-chino-o-late-lotta coffee
  • I eat when I cook, I have made the kids breakfast and just casually throw food in my mouth to then casually walk away and discretly dispose of it. I mean I do this alot
  • Planning dinner can become an obsession!
  • Cranky, after 20 hours WATCH OUT! Have and escape rout planned! and be ready to pray for stregenth, forgivness or both
  • The Lord has given me resolve I did not think I had

I saw a documetary with Chris Pratt you know the guy that plays “THOR” called “Limitless” on Disney+. He went 4 or 5 days of fasting. That was to help him to live longer because fasting has longevity benefits. In the show he talked about feeling a burst of energy from his bodies production of keatones?

I dont know about that but I have had a high energy level the day after my fast days. I’m going with God’s grace as the reason and oh my Lord has it been good.

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