Wife, life and Inspiration

1 Peter 4:8
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

1 Peter 4:8
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

OH LORD SHE PISSES ME OFF! But I do the same to her! I am not blameless! If there was a score being kept in my marriage (thank God there is not) I’m fairly certain I am on the losing side.

There are so many old adages people tell you about marriage and some seem to be true. Things like love is a prison, marriage is death, get married and forget hope, marriage never doing what you want again….ever. While those thoughts aren’t the exact quotes many of these old adages flow around the same themes. The main theme is seeing marriage as a negative. Going negative and living there and refusing to see the gift that our partners trully are. The worst part is there are much worse things that men say to each other about marriage “guy talk” when they are alone and it is stupid! Just plain blind to the love that is infornt of them.

I however love my wife. The trials I have had with her is just God telling me stop! think! Everyone has disagreements but you cannot stay in those. I think the best advice I was given about marriage was “Never go to bed angry, stay up and fight it out!” Sounds funny but there is freedom in getting it all out there and forgiving each other. I have read another line that goes somthing like, “Most of our biggest issues and hangups are only a few short 5 minute conversation away from being solved”.

I was raised in a Christian faith and found a way by college to dislike the church and came up with an incredible list of reasons not to go. At that time this young party girl came into my life and became my best friend. We drank and stuff, ran around everywhere “owning the night”. We lived in a state of passion and excess and lust, it was awesome, I was loving every minute and loving her more and more. Now many years on she is the one that ignited my faith. She had no real christian education or upbringing but she knew there was Jesus and she needed him. She started going to church with out me, leaving me laying in bed feeling guilty. I eventually went “for the children” looking around and judging everyone and everything. What an idiot I was! I measured everything against the church I grew up in, the church and faith I had all but abandoned! Cracks started to apperar and the Lord snuck in through those cracks and filled me up. My wife, my party girl, my love, my everything was the vessel of my redemption. The following verse I really like.

Matthew 19:4-6

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh?  So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

It, to me, talks to how we are stronger together and though God together we can do anything. That God picked this person to be my other half and anythoughts of seperation would be like cutting off your own leg. I need her, I rely on her, I give thanks for her, and I pray for her and I. I pray that he will continuse to bless our marriage as he has so many times. Honestly, when I say I pray for her, I pray for myself more and that prayer is to make me a better man and a better husband.

God Bless

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