People, I am too busy!

“Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.” – Ecclesiastes 4:6

I came to the point this weekend that I thought the above. We have house guests in my parents and while I love them and I am glad to see them they have killed my daily routine! Which involves my prayer schedule, my workouts, my studying the Bible time, my blogging time.

What I just said was my my my my my my. Yes I have a schedule and I like to stick to it. However my adherence to schedule has nothing to do with them.

While I am grown I still need to think of them as people that can teach me. They are more knowledgeable now then they ever were. This reminded me of the verse below:

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother—which is the first commandment with a promise—that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” – Ephesians 6:1-3

Another verse that I found that is even more relevant is from Proverbs:

“Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise yourh mother when she is old.” – Proverbs 23:22

I have tried to have more patience and enjoy rather then be frustrated about my schedule being interruption. You may be busy but remember:

  • Do you need rest? You may need time to rest. The Lord has commanded the sabbath to be a day of rest not only to honor him but for you to recharge. There are many studies about the rise in efficiency when people rest for a day.
  • Take your problems to God and seek guidance in your frustration. the Lord will help you to not lose sight of him and even how we can include him in activities though out our busy lives
  • Remember to practice gratitude for what blessings we have. This will help to give us perspective on what we have and aid in keeping our perspective positive.
  • What is Gods plan? An interruption to your schedule may be a course correction from God take note and think on it when you are out of that moment.

In conclusion, lean on the lord for guidance in busy times, reflect on what we already have and remember that Gods plan and our plans don’t always align.

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