Hurry! The bus is coming!

James 1:17 – “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

Yesterday we walked out of the house to take the kids to the bus and to our surprise the bus drove by our driveway. Although the bus always drives by and turns around and comes and gets the kids on our side of the road, we were surprised to see that it came so early. Also, as the bus pass by I thought it looked different, but didn’t think much of it assuming that the difference was I was speedily rushing towards it. When it did turn around it looked different. There was a ten on the side the bus instead of a twenty, the bus looked old, dirty and it was noisy. It was not what I expected, it just didn’t look right. The door opened and the bus driver, the door open and it was the same old bus driver. The kids thought nothing of it and jumped right onto the bus.

I felt a ping of anxiety, wondering if they would be OK, if the bus was OK, the driver told us the other bus was broken down but still I had anxiety. This was my problem. The bus was fine. We need a replacement, because the usual one was broken and it was the same driver, there should’ve been no alarm.

They had faith that it was going to the right place and thought nothing of it.

I think so often we ask for things or pray for things in our life and they don’t come out as expected. Then we get mad or angry. We ask why? Why is it not what I expected? Why is it not what I wanted? Why should I have to deal with? I tell my children “there’s always an opportunity to learn something from anybody”, and today was my opportunity to learn from them. They jumped on the bus and just went with it. They had faith that it was going to the right place and thought nothing of it. We as adults we overthink and complicate situations. We need to be more like children and take what is given and go with it.

We have to understand that we need to get out of our own way and let the Lord lead. The Lord has provided us all wonderful things, and when he provides us something we don’t expect or a different answer to a prayer. We need to be understanding that he has given us this gift, and it is to glorify him in his way. If we are to be his servants and let him take care of us we need to understand what he gives us will magnify our happiness our abundance and his glory. May we all today see the world through a child eyes.

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