Irony smacking me in the face! Thanks for the reminder Lord!

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:3

So yesterday’s post was a post about the 1st and 2nd commandments. Which depends on your denomination but here’s what I’m referring too:

  • Thou shall have no other gods before me
  • Thou shall not make any idols

I won’t go into the different numbering schemes, or the whole debate over what should or should not be combined. Suffice it to say that there are denominations that believe the first two above should be combined. For further reference Moses wrote them two times in the Bible once in Exodus 20 and once in Deuteronomy 5.

The irony of the this was I was intending on writing about how these commandments have a much broader context.

No other gods before me and no idols could mean

  • Non stop use of phone, social media etc.
  • Tv
  • Work
  • Politics
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Fitness
  • Reading
  • Music
  • Gossip
  • Family drama

Yes there are various ways you can interpret the above list. If you are reading this and you’re feeling defensive about one of them, then that is something you need to consider.

By far this is an incomplete list but the point is What are you giving too much time to? What are you letting distract you from the Lord. Often we dig a hole to sit in and then we use it as a shield from doing what we are supposed to. These shields can be constructive or destructive, i.e. alcohol or fitness. Simply they can become a reason for us to say “I don’t have time for God today.” It is hard to put God first in our life. How can we find a way? It’s different for everyone but you can find a way.

Yesterday while considering this post I got caught up in work and at the end of the night I realized I had let a whole day go by and a 10, 20, 30 I don’t even know how many things get between me and God and this post. Last night that realization hit me hard but I am thankful for the humility and the pause the Lord gave me which made me change perspective on this post. May we be slow to judge and quick to listen today.

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