Going to church is not manly! It’s submissive

Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

Could you spend a night in the company of hungry lions?

Could you suffer for others? Willingly have nails driven though you hands to do so?

Be flogged and whipped and forgive the person having it done at the same moment?

Stand up to a man that everyone knows will likely end your life.

Walk into a house full of you enemies and proclaim love for them?

As men we have so much ego, so much bravado, we want to stand up and believe we are the biggest, the best, the toughest, the smartest. We cannot bring ourselves to admit that we live projecting so much bluster. Some who read this will deny that last statement and say they can do all the things listed above. The truth is I would hesitate to do any of them. However, I have learned that through God all things are possible and if I listen he will make clear my path. That is the ultimate strength!

SURRENDER! That’s right surrender all to the Lord give him the fear, the anxiety, and all that is making us hold back from becoming who we are meant to be! I am a man that knows what it’s like to “best” many other men both physically and psychologically. I has seen my share of violence, excess, debauchery and it gave me a lot of great stories but not lasting peace or inspiration.

Be a man and realise you cannot do it all sooner then later. The infinite is waiting for you. Realise you cannot do it alone go with God and bring some of your friends along too. In this practice you will be fulfilled and unstoppable.

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