Have you tried it your way?

The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps.

Proverbs 16: 9

I have over an over again! And the thing is through hard work and perseverance

I thought

I had made these thing happen.

I was so smart, no one else could think of that!.

I was so strong, people can’t lift like I can!

I was so proud!

I was so headstrong that I kept slogging through where others have failed.

My failure did come and my pride took hits but I rode the wave of successful events that came to me.

All the while I did not thank God,

I did not realize I did these things because God had my back. He was the reason that I had succeeded were others failed.

I slowly started to realize this when the seasons of my life changed and at my lowest he was there to pick me back up.

So, How do you know of the steps the Lord has laid out for you?

  1. read the Bible: search on line for a verse about a category then look up the verse that moves you in your own Bible and read the surrounding verses.
  2. Pray for wisdom and clarity, with wisdom God will grant you knowledge.
  3. Surrender, give what ever aspect of you life you are concerned with to the Lord to figure out and then trust that he will.

God bless

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