Frustrated? Me too

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9 ESV

Let’s get it straight some days it occurs to you, “life sucks”. Your pulled in many directions work, kids, marriage, family. Even if we strive to keep balance even the best of us allow the the teeter totter to unbalance and touch the ground. All that and we try to follow Jesus’s example. Well that becomes a lot and at times too much! And that is at the minimum frustrating if not infuriating and pushes questions about following the Lord.

If that is you like it has been me in the past. Well, I get it. What I have come to realize is that, that was the crack in my beliefs that lead me astray so many times to addiction, and a string of bad decisions.

Don’t let that crack open you up.

Double down with the Lord, put your trust in him.

In this trust be steeled in the fact that God is working to bring you great things for your dedication to his service.

May the Lord bring you abundance.

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