Nobody is perfect.

“And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him” Hebrews 5:9

My kids are crazy this time of year as are many others. Then there’s traffic. Poor road conditions (depending on where you live). It’s year end at work, finish strong! And don’t forget that self evaluation before Christmas! Then there was that lady that took the last “whatchmacallit” in the whole store out of your cart. It call all be too much! Anger, frustration, anxiety, depression and many other emotions spike this time of the year.

Then someone says to you. “don’t forget Jesus is the reason for the season!”

You want that to mean something, you really do, but it’s just more noise in a busy season. Best to save that stuff for Sundays, right. It seems like it but we don’t have to.

This is why I love the snow in winter and especially before Christmas. It’s a covering of white that hides all the ugly, (the leaves you never quite finished), Heck even the neighbors 10ft skeleton they left up after halloween looks more seasonal when covered in snow. Yes it fleeting, but it reminds me of why God sent his son. I am a poor miserable sinner and I will always be. However, Christ provided a veil of salvation so that God see me innocent, pure as the new fallen snow. Salvation, though, unlike snow is not fleeting.

So remember, you, I and most everyone around us means well. We all want to be free of resentment, anger, frustration etc. and be our best self caring for our families and celebrating the season with our friends and family. All of the above emotions get in the way of who we really are and our intentions so today pray that you can forgive others and they can forgive you. That will free us to love one another as God loves us in the lead up to the Gods eternal gift.

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