You should goal meekness

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5

What is this verse about? Is “meek” what I want to be?


I pondered on what to write for my first post of 2024. This seems appropriate. An ideal that I would like to live up to, a goal for the new year.

You may ask “Your goal is to be weak?”, No.

Merriman Webster defines meek as such:

1: enduring injury with patience and without resentment : MILD

2: deficient in spirit and courage : SUBMISSIVE

3: not violent or strong : MODERATE

However this is not the meekness that is spoke about in the Bible. Unfortunately, people have ran with the translation and even re-crafted the verse in some of the more forward thinking Bible versions. This could not be further from the point.

Have you seen “Samaritan” with Sylvester Stallone? Or well most any Liam Neeson movie?

“I am a man with a very specific set of skills”

Movies where the men are humble, unassuming, tame, and easily looked past. While at the same time under the calm exterior they are powerful and capable of incredible violence. These men are able to control themselves that is until they have no choice but to.

This exemplifies what the Biblical “meek” means. No, not going on a killing spree to set things right again. But to be capable of defending yourself, and your family. To be strong enough to stand up but to keep your actions, and your words at bay, so that you may try to be more Christ like as you walk through your life.

The Ancient Greek translation for meek is

“To be able to wield your sword but to keep it sheathed”

So you can see why my goal this year is to be meek.

-God Bless

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