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Roman’s 6:23. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

While Easter is a time to go to church, share a meal with family and for many the beginning or end of “spring break” it’s all too easy to fall into “going through the motions”. “He has risen! He has risen indeed!” We utter the phrase do the church thing and go about life. First off, sometimes life has you in its clutches and that or even less was all you were capable of. That’s ok because Jesus’s actions were to save poor miserable sinners like you and I!

Now the Easter story is easy to glance over and see it as a story of humility.

-Palm Sunday Jesus arrives in glory on a donkey

– Jesus has supper with his disciples

– Jesus is betrayed

– Jesus is beaten and sentenced to crucifixion

– Jesus dies and is buried

– Jesus rises from the dead

Yes I left out a lot of the story and a lot of nuances. It all seems a little weak, even at the time there must have been such disappointment in the “messiah”. So on Easter it’s easy to see the story at face value, be thankful, sing a joyful song and eat a meal.

All of that is fine but there is a much bigger story. If you were a spectator from heaven you would see that in the supernatural realm everything was being turned upside down. Juts to name a few:

  • The greatest being in all of the universe shoved himself through the birth canal of a virgin to become God in flesh and live as a man
  • Then went around performing miracles and telling people and all the heavens that those rules that were carved out in the Old Testament no longer applied or at least drastically changed.
  • Jesus went head to head, face to face with the devil and beat him!
  • Jesus as a man overcame the flesh of his body, which had to be screaming ”Don’t do this to us”, to stand up to the greatest power the earth had ever known in the form of Rome.
  • He also forgave the most pious of his chosen people ( The high priests of the Jewish people) for they agreed to put him to death.
  • He took on tremendous amount of pain in the form of beatings and his eventual crucifixion. Don’t forget that after he had been flogged he carried his own cross.
  • As such a powerful being he was able to smite everyone who was beating him but he restrained his power in order to save us all.
  • He conquered death and became the only person in history to bring his own body back to life. Sure Lazarus was resurrected but not on his own.

So if you were watching from heaven you can see how differently this plays out. With the death of one man all of human history and the supernatural realm was changed forever on Easter.

Evil and demons tremble at the name of Jesus forevermore and the sins of the flesh no longer pull us closer to hell with each occurrence. Jesus paid the price and if we believe in him ask for forgiveness we will have eternal salvation.

So while our time on earth may seem long we need to remember to remove ourselves from it and see it from the perspective of eternity and then we will see……The ultimate conquer, a warrior unequaled, the King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, the Kingdom, the power and the Glory!

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